Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sorry to see Scott Stone go

WE WILL HAVE a new jail, new city councilmen and Wavering Pool will likely die a slow death. Election results often surprise and I'm stunned at how the jail issue passed by such a huge margin.

We need a new jail, so let's get started. The projected price tag is $25 million and that seems like a lot, but let's make sure the Adams County Board gets the ball rolling and does it efficiently.

And no, this won't be a resort. This is about safety for the staff and workers. The argument that people will want to stay there because it's "so nice" is ludicrous.

Where will it be built? Will it stay under budget? How much squabbling will take place on the board? Lots of questions out there - let's just get it done.

Bye Bud! But don't buy Bud. It gives me a headache.
I was very sorry to see Scott Stone not get reelected to the school board. On his Facebook page Scott took the high road and congratulated the winners - he's a class act.

I voted for Mike Troup and I'm glad he won. He's a good man with a track record of public service and experience with financial issues. The board will need his insight.

Who didn't get reelected is more of the story. All I'm gonna say is "Yes" and best of luck to the new board - now you need to roll up the sleeves and get to work.

We will have happy hour in the store Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. to celebrate the election results. Celebrate that the election is over, anyway.

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