Tuesday, July 25, 2017

No beach? No problem!

THE POWER AND hypnotic beauty of Lake Michigan never ceases to amaze me. Some years we go to my uncle's place near Holland and there is tons of sugar cane sand. Other years the lake level is up and the beach disappears.

This past weekend, there was no beach. Recent changes in water levels and some severe storms have uncovered a bunch of logs stretching out into the lake. They were put in to break the waves many years ago and only this year have they become exposed.

2017 view of the beach... No beach.
So ... we had to move the annual Hart Goony Race up the beach several hundred yards, by Halfway Creek. The rules are simple - act as silly as possible while flailing into the lake. I always win the Goony Race but I let everybody else think they have a chance.

In the above video you can see how much fun Angus had with the cousins and the commotion - he plows into the lake a good 20 or 30 feet before the waves drive him back.

Below is the Hart Goony Race from four years ago, and you can see how much beach there was right in front of Peter and Helen's house. That spot is now a good 10 feet under water.

I could sit on that beach, or lack of beach, every day all summer, and never get tired of it. Never. Add good company and a cold beverage or two ... well, maybe three ... and life couldn't be better.

When are we going back?

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