Thursday, June 28, 2018

Angus the water dog

ANGUS THOROUGHLY ENJOYED our Canadian adventure. He's quite the water dog and enjoyed endless games of retrieving sticks and Frisbees from Lake Simcoe. We'd be gathered around the campfire at night and Angus would disappear. Then we'd hear splashing and look over and see him frolicking around in the water.

So. Where to go in Quincy when Angus needs his water fix?

On the first night of our trip, we stopped in Vicksburg, Michigan, to visit the Barnards. They live right by a lake, and Angus of course jumped in. The lake is clean but full of weeds and algae by the shore, and Sheryl removed a large leech from Angus' belly after his swim. So we are looking for cleaner options. This, of course, takes the Mississippi River out of the mix.

We could call up our friend Ferd Niemann and see if we can take Angus to his pond off of South 24th Street. We got some good skating in last winter and it would interesting to check it out in warmer weather. Of course Angus would be interested in the beautiful horses at the farm, too. Maybe too interested. Maybe that's not such a good idea.

Curtis Creek might be an option. We had a good rain the other day and it should be moving pretty well. There are a couple of good spots to take Angus and check it out. I think there is still a spring by the South Park duck pond - we used to take Lucy over there to hose her down when she got muddy.

Randy and Marci Phillips live near Coatsburg and have an awesome pond, but it doesn't really have a shallow end, and Sheryl points out that Angus likes to feel the bottom when swimming in and out.

It's supposed to be 100 in the shade again this weekend, so we may just take Angus down to South Park and find him a good spot to splash around in. I might just join him ....

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