Friday, November 20, 2015

Store Bash

IT'S TIME ONCE again for the annual Second String Music Weekend Before Thanksgiving/Pat Cornwell Toast/Rodney's Birthday party. We are gathering at Fifth and Maine tonight to have a jam session, toast our good friend Pat and celebrate the fact we have about a month to go before Christmas day.

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving!
The toast for Pat is at 6:30 pm. It's hard to believe it's been five years since he's passed. That also means SSM is almost five years old, also hard to believe.

We'll have beverages and goodies and music and lots of glass-raising. I'm hoping it doesn't quite reach the level of our party last year, but that was for my 50th birthday and such levels of celebration are rarely reached.

Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday, and we have 10 percent off everything in the store, 12 percent if you pay cash. Sheryl loves offering cash options and people seem to love saving the extra moola. The Cheeseburgers play at the annual Elks Lodge Cash Bash Saturday night, so it's just another mayhem-filled rock and roll weekend.


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