Friday, January 24, 2014

I am "Black Leather Elvis"

SO I HAVE agreed to help with the local Humane Society's Fabulous Fur Ball. I am going to be Elvis. And, since Sheryl is involved, it's going to be epic.

Sheryl is not an Elvis fan. She is an Elvis fanatic. She knows everything about Elvis.

I am in for more than I bargained for, I think.

"You can't just be Elvis," she says. "You have to be Black Leather Elvis. You have to dye your hair and wear sideburns, too."

Wait a second. Sideburns? Leather? What, you expect me to do "Hound Dog" too?

You do?

Anyway, Sheryl is on the hunt and has tracked down a person who makes costumes. I am not making this up. So we are going to really do it right.

I seek advice from Rock A. Bye Johnny B., aka Jon Barnard, who often emerges from phone booths as White Jumpsuit Elvis. He wouldn't steer me wrong.

I just hope my black leather pants aren't too tight.

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