Monday, December 28, 2015

A few days off

SECOND STRING MUSIC will be closed Jan. 1, 2 and 3. That's right - we will be closed this Saturday so we can have a three-day weekend.

We were open Saturday, the day after Christmas, and it was really busy at Fifth and Maine. I noticed a lot of retail places decided to stay closed. All Sheryl and I know is that we had a ton of people come in and say they love Christmas, but two days off was driving them crazy and they just wanted to get out.

No complaints about owning a small retail business here. We work six days a week, seven during Christmas. It's the nature of the beast and it is what it is.

This is one of those strange Christmas seasons when Christmas day and New Year's day fall on Fridays. It means consecutive three-day weekends for most of us, but don't forget about the many people who still work.

Still, we have to take a break at some point. So we are shutting it down and deciding if we'll just drive somewhere, or just take a few days off and do nothing.

Have a great last week of 2015. We are back to regular business hours this week, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Be safe and be happy, and we look forward to a great 2016.

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