Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dodd Building history

I AM WRITING a story for the Herald-Whig about the history of our Dodd Building. Did you know that Hattie Dodd, who had this thing built in 1897, was, uh, rather colorful? So was one of her husbands. You'll have to read the Whig article to find out more.

This place was the bomb back then, the tallest building in Quincy for some 30 years, steeped in the most modern amenities. There are still reminders of that grand time rattling around the walls and hallways up here, but much has changed in 116 years.

Come on by for a tour. Meanwhile, I gotta get back to putting this story together, which is more fun than you should be allowed to have!

1 comment:

  1. would LOVE to come by sometime for a tour, Rodney. I seem to remember taking ballet classes in that building. I remember the dance studio maybe on the 2nd floor and it faced Maine St. with a window on the west side, also.
