SHERYL AND I had a lovely dinner last night with our surrogate mother in Quincy, Anne Mays. Her granddaughter Molly Frank was also with us at one of our favorite restaurants, Tiramisu.
I have no immediate family close to Quincy, and we both lost our mothers a few years back, so we understand the importance of quality time with Anne.
Sheryl had been saving her dimes for quite a while to pay for the dinner, which is part of our birthday presents. But Granny Annie pulled a fast one on us and paid the bill on the sly. Typical, really. You can't put one past Anne!
Good company, good food, lots of laughter and memories. Anne gave me a hilarious rock and roll birthday card and an extendable fork - "It makes a good back scratcher, too," she said.
Anne Mays rocks. Sheryl and I are lucky to include her as family.
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