Friday, October 31, 2014

A hero, and Grapes nails it again

MOST OF US in the States have only a fleeting idea of what happened in Ottawa, Ontario, last week. It's the CNN world we live in now, and in the age of information bombardment, it glances off and gets forgotten.

Canada, hopefully, will never forget.

I watched some of CBC's breaking news coverage of the shooting, and it was really good - all about the story, not about the anchor or some "expert" talking about terrorism.

The soldier who was shot and killed by a madman was a father and dog-lover. And Canadian. So it hits home.

As usual, Don "Grapes" Cherry of Hockey Night In Canada absolutely nails the sentiments of a country and the important thing about all this. Sidekick Ron MacLean, who usually has to keep things from going off the rails, realizes very quickly how special this is and lets Cherry roll.

Pay particular attention to the end of the piece. We can all have strong feelings when tragedy strike. The important thing is to always remember, and to always help, especially when it comes to our veterans.

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