IN TODAY'S DEPARTMENT Of Silly Walks Within The Silly Quincy School Board department, we learn that school board member Bud "Just Say No" Niekamp is upset with the board president for comments she made on a local radio show about our upcoming referendum.
The article by Ed Husar of The Herald-Whig is well-written and unintentionally hilarious. Click here and if you don't get blocked, it's well worth the time.
Basically the school board president said everyone on the board supports the referendum. Well, she forgot about Bud not supporting it, and Bud made sure everybody at the school board meeting Wednesday knew he did not support it.
The school board president simply forgot he voted no. Actually, since Bud always votes no, and since almost every vote is generally 6-1 in favor with Bud the only no, she took it for granted as usual and maybe just discounted it.
At least Bud made a point about all this and made sure we all knew he voted no. Because, you know, he's running again for school board, and most certainly we couldn't have any confusion about this.
You. Can't. Make. It. Up.
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