Thursday, November 30, 2017

Shop local and make it fun!

ALL SIGNS LEAD to another rocking Christmas season at Second String Music. More people are getting gifts earlier, while our stock is still plentiful. We had a tremendous Small Business Saturday and also a huge Un-Cyber Monday. Take that, online retailers.

We see it every year after Christmas - grandma comes in with a $30 Amazon special guitar. “And three of the strings are already broke!” she cries. Right. Your grandson will chuck the piece of wood with strings sort of attached into the fire pit after a week of not making music and will never want to learn how to play music ever again.

This week a woman came in with the dreaded “Amazon Wish List” from her kids. But she turned the tables by actually coming to a retail outlet. “I’d rather shop local,” she said. Amen! Sheryl loves to clear those wish lists with musical gear you can touch, see and try out.

You can play or hear what you are buying. If it’s a guitar, I’ll play it for you. With every instrument purchased you get four free lessons from Vancil Performing Arts so your child or grandchild can properly learn a frustration free instrument.

We just became Fender dealers and already The Squier basses and guitars are flying outta here. We have amazing Fender amps I stock, including the Blues Junior tube amp and Rumble bass amp. We. Have. Stuff!

We will make it easy for you. We love our local musicians and the aspiring players. Plus you can say hello to Fast Eddie and Angus. Heaven forbid you have FUN Christmas shopping, but we’ll make it painless and you might actually enjoy it.

Thank you to all our awesome loyal customers, and if you haven’t checked us out, come on down to Fifth and Maine.

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