I NEED ANOTHER guitar like I need another hole in my head. Wait. What's that by my ear? My goodness .... another hole in my head!
I just bought an Alvarez guitar. We got our first shipment of Alvarez acoustics yesterday and I quickly snatched up a good one. I'm using it for lessons and as a backup to my worn and beloved Takamine.
I gotta thin the herd. In the corner by my lesson room I have what we call the "need vs. want" pile. There are eight guitars in there, plus one in my lesson room, plus another two at home. That doesn't count the two other guitars now on the Second String Music floor.
I use my Takamine Pro Series for acoustic gigs. I use the Gretsch Broadcaster and my battered Fender Stratocaster for Cheeseburger gigs, along with an amazing Jon Kammerer guitar. There's a vintage Gretsch Cutter and a rare Epiphone Shadow guitar back there, too. I play the Gretsch but the Epiphone rarely comes out of the case.
So two of my guitars are now on the floor. One is a Reverend Flatroc, which I used a lot until I got the Gretsch Broadcaster. The Flatroc has a very Gretsch/Telecaster kind of tone and is versatile.
The other guitar is a Breedlove Studio Dreadnaught. It has a Fishman pickup and really warm tone. Both guitars come with custom cases. Both are about 3 years old.
The Reverend sells for around $900 new, and the list price on a new Studio Dreadnaught is about $1,200.
I'm asking $700 for the Reverend and $550 for the Breedlove. Both are fair prices. But today and Saturday only, If you tell me you read about these guitars in my blog, the price for each guitar is $500. No trades, no haggling, and cash would be preferred.
These are serious guitars for serious players, or players looking to up the game. Come see me and try them out for yourself.
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